Wednesday, April 23, 2008

[4.25.08] : Crossroads sharing night, cleaning, Lake Yale, Potluck/Prayer meeting, Baptism, Leaders meeting

1. Friday Night Bible Study : Sharing night
2. Friday night Cleaning after sharing
3. Lake Yale Volunteer form : Due April 30th (Next Wednesday)
4. SPRING SENIOR BANQUET : This Saturday (4/26) 6 pm
5. Summer/Fall help needed
6. Potluck/prayer meeting : Wednesday 6:30pm @ Park 16th # 4
7. Jan, Jorge, Nick's Baptism : Sunday (4/27) 4pm @ First Baptist Church in Alachua
8. Crossroads Leaders Meeting : Thursday @ noon - 4ish

***Friday Night Bible Study
At Gainesville Chinese Church

7:15 - 8:00 pm Music/offering/welcome
8:00 - 8:10 pm Break and Announcement
8:10 - 9:45 pm Sharing

Please e-mail Josh if you would like to share about anything you have learned this past year by Thursday night.

***Church Cleaning
WHAT : we are scheduled to clean the church on Friday night. Focus will be on sanctuary, bathroom, take care of the trash, maybe mopping the floor. Doris is in charge of this.
WHEN : After our sharing

***Lake Yale Volunteer forms
The Lake Yale Retreat Volunteer Application Forms are DUE APRIL 30 (next wed). The form is attached.
It includes a few short answer questions and a pastor/elder recommendation form [it's not as hard as it sounds] so please start now!

There is also more info about the different volunteer areas of LY.
What is most needed right now ? YOUTH COUNSELORS. (there is only about 6 and we need 20+!!!!)
Please pray about it, and remember what a reward it is to serve our younger brothers and sisters! =)

Please fill out the applications ASAP if you are interested. More info found at Or, contact Josh,, or Ting,, if you have more questions.


We will be celebrating the end of the semester and our graduating seniors this SATURDAY (4/26) at 6 pm at the GCCC! Dress is semiformal (girls: semiformal dresses, preferably in spring colors, guys: dress pants or slacks and nice shirt) and there will be food, fun and prizes!

If you have not yet RSVPed with $5 to either Amy or Kristina and you would like to attend, please speak to one of us as soon as possible and remember to bring $5 on the night of the event. Those who have paid are: Priscilla, Howard, Jamie, Benji, Amy, Frank, Peng, Jan, Sherry (+friend), Gaby, Fanny, Cat, Abby, Christine, Doris, Jo Ann, Josh, Glenn, Jennie, Doretta (+sister), Klo, Zi, Albert, Henry, West, Jon Fong, Charlene, Eric, Alex, Rachel, Kristina, Peter, Joe, Danielle, Andrew, Wanda, Nick.

We have a lot planned for the night, so please be on time.

*** Summer help needed:
Please hit reply and tell us what summer semester you'll be here for! (SummerA?B?C?) And whether you'd like to serve in any position (bible study, music, prayer meeting, girls/guys group, etc.)

*** Fall Help needed:
Please hit reply and tell us if you'd like to serve this coming Fall 2008! (bible study, music, prayer meeting, girls/guys group, etc.)

*** Potluck / Prayer meeting
This Wednesday before we are going to have a potluck before the prayer meeting.
It's will start at 6:30 PM and there will be an hour to eat before prayer meeting starts at 7:30PM.

When : Wednesday, 6:30 pm
Where : Park 16th # 4
What : Potluck and Prayer meeting

*** Baptism
WHAT : Come and celebrate Jan, Jorge and Nick's baptism
WHEN : Sunday ( April 27th ) @ 4pm
WHERE : First Baptist Church of Alachua
[ 14005 NW 146th Ave Alachua, FL 32615 ]

*** Crossroads Leaders Meeting

WHEN: Thursday from noon to 4ish (lunch will be provided)
WHAT: planning ahead for the summer, fall, and spring semester
BONUS: if you are interested in helping out with Crossroads in any
area of leading, (be it Bible Study, Home Group, Girls/Guys Group,
Outreach Group, or Worship) please also show up for a morning of fun
and getting to know each other. Meet at the GCCC at 9am sharp.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

[4.18.08] : Bible Study, Senior Banquet, Lake Yale, Summer / Fall help, United Now

1. Friday Bible Study
2. Prepping for Bible Study with Brother Jed : Thursday 8pm
4. Summer / Fall help needed : Reply to us
5. Lake Yale Summer Retreat (May 23-25)
6. Prayer Meeting : Wednesday, 7:30 - 9 pm @ Park 16th, # 4
7. United Now : Night of Worship : this Saturday 7-10pm

***Prepping for Bible Study with Brother Jed
Where : Park 16th, Apt #4
When : Thursday 8 pm

*** Bible Study
At Gainesville Chinese Church

7:15 - 8:00 pm Music/offering/welcome
8:00 - 8:10 pm Break and Announcement
8:10 - 9:30 pm Bible study led by Brother Jed
9:30 - 9:45 pm Music


WHEN: Saturday, April 26 at 6-10pm
WHAT TO WEAR: girls - semiformal dresses, preferably in spring colors, guys - dress pants or slacks and nice shirt
RSVP: due on or by FRIDAY, 4/18 by giving Amy or Kristina $5.

GOT A DEDICATION? If you would like to make any sort of dedication to a senior (speech, music, song, etc.) you MUST sign up before hand and limit your dedication to 2 minutes. Sign-up with Amy before FRIDAY, 4/18.

GOT PHOTOS? If you have any photos or videos from either the fall or spring semester (especially spring!), please email them to or bring them on a USB or CD on Friday night so they can be included in the end-of-year video. I can also scan photos if you only have hard copies. Last day to turn in pictures: FRIDAY, 4/18.

REMEMBER!! FRIDAY, 4/18 is the last day to RSVP, sign up to make a dedication, and turn in pictures.

***Lake Yale Summer Retreat (May 23-25)
Please pay attention to those deadlines

-Individual registration still open until END OF APRIL. (can mail paper registration form, saves some money)
-Online registration NOW AVAILABLE: due END OF APRIL. (an additional online processing fee)
-Deadline for volunteer forms: Saturday, April 26 (PLLLEEASSEEE contact Josh,, or Ting,, if you're interested in helping! more info at!)
-Volunteer meeting in orlando: Saturday, May 3

Crossroads members attending so far:
Jon Fong

Please email Josh, if you're doing any of the above and I'll send you more information. Also, please tell me if you're going ASAP!! Volunteer are needed too! Lake Yale is a great opportunity to serve. Please reply!!! =) THANKS!

*** Summer help needed:
Please hit reply and tell us what summer semester you'll be here for! (SummerA?B?C?) And whether you'd like to serve in any position (bible study, music, prayer meeting, girls/guys group, etc.)

*** Fall Help needed:
Please hit reply and tell us if you'd like to serve this coming Fall 2008! (bible study, music, prayer meeting, girls/guys group, etc.)

***United Now : Night of Worship
Who : anyone wants to worship GOD
What : "How good and pleasant it is when brothers live together in unity!" Psalm 133:1
When : April 19th, Saturday
7:00pm - 10:00pm
Where : Reitz Union Amphitheater

Wednesday, April 9, 2008


1. Friday night speaker is Sister Gay Greninger, who used to lead GCCC college ministry !!
2. Prayer Meeting : Wednesday, 7:30 - 9 pm @ Park 16th # 4
3. Homeless council : Friday 4pm @ church to cook
4. Lake Yale Summer Retreat (May 23-25) : Pay attention to the deadlines !
5. Fall / Summer Help needed
6. SPRING SENIOR BANQUET : contact Amy or Kristina
7. United Now : Night of Worship, April 19th from 7-10 pm


*** Friday Night Talk
Special Speaker Sister Gay Greninger, a missionary in Japan whom GCCC sponsors. She led GCCC's English college group for about 10 years in the past. She also taught in Gainesville and helped with International Friendship ministry. Please come!!!

6:30-7:30 $2/person dinner
7:30-8pm college led music
8pm-9:30pm special speaker

***Lake Yale Summer Retreat (May 23-25)
Please pay attention to those deadlines

-Deadline to register under Gainesville Chinese Church: Monday, April 14 (saves a bit of money and hassle for mailing, etc.)
-Individual registration still open
-Online registration website still being made: will be a little bit more expensive for processing fees
-Deadline for volunteer forms: Saturday, April 26
-Volunteer meeting in orlando: Saturday, May 3

Crossroads members attending so far:
Jon Fong

Please email Josh, if you're doing any of the above and I'll send you more information. Also, please tell me if you're going ASAP!! Volunteer are needed too! Lake Yale is a great opportunity to serve. Please reply!!!

*** Homeless council
We are serving homeless council this Friday, people will be meeting 4pm @ GCCC to cook and then serve in downtown afterwards. Any question please contact Andrew Kuo ( or 352-219-3287 )


WHAT IS IT? The end of the semester is approaching, and we will be celebrating our graduating seniors at the Spring Senior Banquet! Mark the date on your calendars as Saturday, April 26, 2008 at 6-10pm. Dress is semiformal (girls: semiformal dresses, preferably in spring colors, guys: dress pants or slacks and nice shirt) and there will be food and fun! You must RSVP to Amy by Saturday, April 19th by giving her $2.

WANT TO HELP? If you would like to help out with the banquet in any way, please contact Amy (813-368-7413 or by THIS SATURDAY, 4/12. If you would like to make any sort of dedication to a senior (speech, music, song, etc.) you MUST sign up before hand and limit your dedication to 2 minutes.

GOT PHOTOS? If you have any photos or videos from either the fall or spring semester, please email them to or bring them on a USB or CD on Friday night so they can be included in the end-of-year video. I can also scan photos if you only have hard copies. If you have any questions, contact Kristina (305-342-9691 or

*** Summer help needed:
Please hit reply and tell us what summer semester you'll be here for! (SummerA?B?C?) And whether you'd like to serve in any position (bible study, music, prayer meeting, girls/guys group, etc.)

*** Fall Help needed:
Please hit reply and tell us if you'd like to serve this coming Fall 2008! (bible study, music, prayer meeting, girls/guys group, etc.)

***United Now : Night of Worship
Who : anyone wants to worship GOD
What : "How good and pleasant it is when brothers live together in unity!" Psalm 133:1
When : April 19th, Saturday
7:00pm - 10:00pm
Where : Reitz Union Amphitheater

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

[4.04.08] : Bible Study, Prayer Meeting, Lake Yale retreat, Leadership meeting, United Now

1. Bible Study Prep : Thursday 8-9pm @ Park 16th # 4
2. Bible Study : Romans 12:1-2
3. Prayer meeting : Wednesday 7:30-9pm @ Park 16th # 4
4. Next Friday : Joint meeting, Special Missionary Speaker, in English
5. LAKE YALE Registration STARTS (Facebook: LY '08 - *REBIRTH*)
6. Saturday Leadership meeting : 10am-12pm @ park 16th # 4
7. United Now : Night of Worship

*** Bible Study Prep
What : Plan for Bible Study, Romans 12:1-2
When : Thursday 8pm - 9pm
Where : Park 16th # 4

*** Bible Study
At Gainesville Chinese Church
This week we are going to study Romans 12:1-2, please read before coming

7:15 - 8:00 pm Music/offering/welcome
8:00 - 8:10 pm Break and Announcement
8:10 - 9:30 pm Bible study
9:30 - 9:45 pm Music

*** LAKE YALE RETREAT (Facebook: LY '08 - *REBIRTH*)
When : May 23 - May 25th
What : Registration is NOW, we need an estimation of people that are going
If you want to volunteer, contact Josh

If you are interested in helping out, please look over the attached form [Lake
Yale 2008-Volunteers] which will explain in further detail.
Contact Josh at, or 407-923-5788 if you want to help or if you want to attend. Check out facebook group: LY '08 - *REBIRTH*. If you want to help out we need to know ASAP.

*** Special Missionary Speaker NEXT Friday - IN ENGLISH!
Next Friday is the joint meeting, our whole church will fellowship together =)

6:30 - 7:30 pm Church-provided dinner (bring $1/person for donations, if possible)
7:30 - 8:00 pm college-led music
8:00 - 9:30 pm Sharing

*** Saturday's leadership meeting

When : this Saturday from 10am - 12pm
Where : at Park 16th Apt. #4.

Things on the agenda include:
1. Crossroads' relationship with the GCCC
2. Crossroads' involvement with the youth group (specifically in terms
of Bible Study)
3. Summer plans

Please consider and pray about the issues we will be discussing this
Saturday. Let's also try our best to start and end on time.

***United Now : Night of Worship
Who : anyone wants to worship GOD
What : "How good and pleasant it is when brothers live together in unity!" Psalm 133:1
When : April 19th, Saturday
7:00pm - 10:00pm
Where : Reitz Union Amphitheater

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

[03.28.08] : Bible Study, GCCC spring picnic, Lake Yale registration, New officers, stay for summer? , tabling

1. Bible Study : Matthew 14:22-32
2. Prepping for Bible Study : Thursday 8 pm, Park16th # 4
3. GCCC picnic : Saturday 10am-3pm, kanapaha garden
4. Centerpoint basketball tournament : Saturday starts from 9 am
5. Prayer meeting : Wednesday 7:30-9 pm @ Park 16th # 4
6. Who will be here for this summer? Please reply [ NAME / TERM (A/B/C) ]
7. Who would like to help lead for next Fall 2008? Please reply [ NAME / AREA ]
8. LAKE YALE RETREAT (Facebook: LY '08 - *REBIRTH*) : registration begins this FRIDAY
9. New Officers of 2008-2009
10.Tabling Wednesday 10:45 - 2pm @ plaza of America
11. Ramp Build Saturday 9:15 AM

*** Bible Study
At Gainesville Chinese Church
Passage : Matthew 14:22-33 ( Jesus walked on water )

7:15-8:00 pm music/offering/welcome
8:00 - 8:20 break and announcements
8:20-9:45pm bible study

***Prepping for Bible Study
Where : Park 16th, Apt #4
When : Thursday 8 pm
Contact : Andrew Kuo ( )

***GCCC picnic
Our church annually spring picnic will be this Saturday, March, 29th at Kanapaha park from 10:00am to 3:00pm. Besides grill, we have a lot of fun activities. Please invite your friends join us! Church will charge $1 /person.

If you have basketball, volleyball, football, and all kinds of balls, please bring them. Also don't forget the sunscreen for the kids!

What : Spring picnic.
When : Saturday, March 29th, 10am-3pm.
Where : Kanapaha park ( SW 75th ST and SW 41 PL.)
Who : All of you!

***Centerpoint basketball tournament
What : come out to cheer ( if you are not playing ) for the annual CCF basketball tournament
Where : recreation center at Alachua county
When : Saturday, March 29th, 9 AM - maybe 3pm
Sunday after church

***New Officers of 2008-2009
President: Wanda Wang
IVP: Amy Chow
EVP: Dan Moy
Secretary: Kristina chen-yin
Treasurer: Pengyu Zhuang

Who will be here for this summer?
Please email and let us know your name
and what summer semester you'll be here (A/B/C). Also, please let
us know if you'd like to volunteer to serve in any way:
bible study, girls/guys group, music, prayer meeting, event coordinator.

***Who would like to help lead for next Fall 2008?
Please email and let us know where you'd like to volunteer to serve:
bible study, girls/guys/home group, music, prayer meeting

*** LAKE YALE RETREAT (Facebook: LY '08 - *REBIRTH*)
Lake Yale REGISTRATION to attend BEGINS NOW! (contact Josh, or tell him this Friday)

The THEME for this year: "What is living the life God intended? And what's ethnicity and culture got to do with it?" (It has to do with our Asian American culture and Christianity)

Lake Yale is an annual Chinese and Asian American Churches Summer Retreat held
this year from Friday, May 23 to Sunday, May 25.

We will DEFINITELY have 2 speakers this year. One for the youth (middle school - high school) and one for the young adults (college and up). This is VERY exciting because the speakers have a background in raising churches specifically for Asian Americans. (Chinese, Korean, Vietnamese, etc.) Tell your friends! They do NOT have to be Chinese since the audience for our theme will cover the broader Asian-American arena and will be applicable to people from other ethnicities as well. This year will include Christians from Korean and Vietnamese churches around Florida.

Orlando Chinese Evangelical Christian Church (OCECC) is looking for anyone who
would be interested in helping out in this year's several
categories of services:

Follow-Up Ministry
Music Worship
Youth Counselors
College/Young Adult Counselors
Prayer Team
Speakers Workshops and Assistants

If you are interested in helping out, please look over the attached form [Lake
Yale 2008-Volunteers] which will explain in further detail. Contact Josh at, or 407-923-5788 if you want to help or if you want to attend. Check out facebook group: LY '08 - *REBIRTH*. If you want to help out we need to know ASAP.

*** Tabling
We're going to be tabling at the religious organization fair on March 26th (Wednesday) at the Plaza of the Americas.
It'll be from 11-2, so we need at least 3 people from:

10:45 to 11:45 (to set up and get started)
11:45 to 12:45
12:45 to 1:45 (or till it ends)

so far we have enough people at each time slot, but feel free stop by if you are free during this time

*** Ramp Build
We will also be having a ramp build this coming saturday, i realize that it is also GCCC's picnic. But if your able to come out please let me know, here is the address: the ramp will be about 14 ft so its pretty small, we want to be at the ramp site by 9:15 the ramp should not take long, we hope to finish just after 12 and hopefully before 1. Come together for fellowship and show your love for the people in need, lets come together and show the world that the love of Christ is here and his saving power is now.


Sunday, March 23, 2008

Lake Yale Summer Retreat: Want to volunteer??? =)

Hello Crossroads!

If you're interested in attending the Lake Yale Asian American Summer Retreat (Memorial Day Weekend, *Friday, May 23 to Sunday, May 25.** ), why not think about volunteering in a service position? (Check out facebook group: LY '08 - **REBIRTH**. )

Categories of services:
Follow-Up Ministry
Music Worship (filled)
Youth Counselors (MOST NEEDED - middle school-high school)
College/Young Adult Counselors
Prayer Team
Speakers Workshops and Assistants
If you are interested in helping out, please look over the attached form [Lake Yale 2008-Volunteers] which will explain in further detail. Please contact Jennifer Lechliter
Josh Lin

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

[3.21.08] Crossroads Bible Study, ELECTION DAY, Prayer Meeting, Lake Yale

1. Bible Study
2. Election : this Friday, pray for the nominees
3. Prayer Meeting : Wednesday 7:30 - 9pm @ Park 16th # 4
4. Lake Yale information

*** Bible Study
At Gainesville Chinese Church
7:15 - 8:00 Music worship
8:00 - 8:15 Announcement then break
8:15 - 9:45 Bible Study
9:45 - 10:00 Election
10:00 - 10:30 Officers meeting

Vote for Crossroads Officers Positions for Summer 2008, Fall 2008, Spring
Nominees please prepare a short speech about why you decide to run for this
position and what do you plan on doing ( if applicable )
Pray for the nominees
President : Zi, Wanda
IVP : Katie, Amy
EVP : Dan
Treasurer: Henry, Peng
Webmaster : Jeffrey
Secretary : Kristina chen-yin

**** LAKE YALE RETREAT (Facebook: LY '08 - **REBIRTH**)
The THEME for this year: "What is living the life God intended? And what's
ethnicity and culture got to do with it?" (It has to do with our Asian
American culture and Christianity)
Lake Yale is an annual Chinese and Asian American Churches Summer Retreat
this year from *Friday, May 23 to Sunday, May 25.**
We will DEFINITELY have 2 speakers this year. One for the youth (middle
school - high school) and one for the young adults (college and up). This is
VERY exciting because the speakers have a background in raising churches
specifically for Asian Americans. (Chinese, Korean, Vietnamese, etc.) Tell
your friends! They do NOT have to be Chinese since the audience for our
theme will cover the broader Asian-American arena and will be applicable to
people from other ethnicities as well. This year will include Christians
from Korean and Vietnamese churches around Florida.
Orlando Chinese Evangelical Christian Church (OCECC) is looking for anyone
would be interested in helping out in this year's several
categories of services:
Follow-Up Ministry
Music Worship
Youth Counselors
College/Young Adult Counselors
Prayer Team
Speakers Workshops and Assistants
If you are interested in helping out, please look over the attached form
Yale 2008-Volunteers] which will explain in further detail. Contact Josh at, or 407-923-5788 if you want to help or if you want to
attend. Check out facebook group: LY '08 - **REBIRTH**. If you want to help
out we need to know ASAP.