1. Bible Study: Crossroads sharing time, email Josh
2. Small groups : we still have prayer meeting today, come !!
3. Camp Boggy Creek Applications
4. Winter Banquet : Thursday 6:30 pm, Potluck
5. ELECTIONS : Please pray about how God has gifted you to serve for Crossroads
*** Friday Bible Study: Crossroads sharing time
At Gainesville Chinese Church
7:15-8pm music
8-9pm sharing/music in between if there is down time
9-9:15pm short announcements
9:15-9:45pm small prayer groups
You can share how God has worked in your life this past semester, something you learned this semester, prayer requests, praises...anything you would like your brothers and sisters to know. Leaders and officers can share about the up's and down's of their ministries this semester or anything related to what you've been doing for God this semester, if you'd like. If you'd like to share, please contact Josh Lin, jnlin85@ufl.edu, so we can know if there's at least a few people who'd like to share so we don't just do nothing on friday. =)
*** Small groups ***
NO girls/guys group b/c of banquet this Thursday.
***Camp Boggy Creek Applications! (for more applications/info: boggycreek.org)
For those who stole all my paper applications...jk!!! =) please look over it to see what it needs and try to fill out most of it BEFORE spring semester starts. SPRING SEMESTER GETS FILLED BY THE THIRD WEEK OF SCHOOL!! If you have questions, you may call, email, or talk to Josh (407-923-5788, jnlin85@ufl.edu) by the first friday 1/11/08, of spring semester. The faster you all get it done, the easier it is for all of us to go as a group.
People who have gone in past (if you want to talk to them):
July Chen
These are the people who have paper applications (from memory):
josh hsu
*** Winter Banquet ***
Come join us for the food, fun and fellowship !!
When : December 6, 2007 at 6:30pm
Theme : "Winter Wonderland", so try to make use of the colors white, gold, and silver.
-freshmen: drinks
-sophomores: desserts/appetizers
-juniors: meals
-seniors/grads/working: meals
Need help for : GAMES, DECORATIONS, GIFTS/PRIZES, Pictures for slide show ( ames411@ufl.edu), if you want to help in anything, contact Katie (ktuazon@ufl.edu )
Already?!?! =) Actually, this is just to remind all of us that since Crossroads is member-led, we need to always be praying and thinking about what are our gifts from God so that we can best serve Him. Crossroads is just a fellowship where you can practice your gifts and serve God and your brothers and sisters with it. With that in mind, please think about officer roles (president, external vp, internal vp, secretary, treasurer, historian, webmaster) and leader OR "apprentice" roles-to learn from a current leader how to prep for a ministry (bible study, prayer meeting, guys group, girls group, usher, music, book club, etc.) Please feel free to ask the current officers/leaders about respective ministries if you feel God has given you the gift to lead in that ministry. (see NEW directory for contact info)
Actual elections will be held right after spring break. But please start "shadowing" a current leader once spring starts if you're interested. Thanks!! =)
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
11.30.07 : Bible study : Adoption , Camp Boggy Creek, Directory, winter banquet
1. Bible Study : Adoption
2. Camp Boggy Creek
3. Directory and Year Book : attached pdf file
4. Winter Banquet : help needed
5. Weekly small groups
*** Bible Study ***
At Gainesville Chinese Church
7:15 - 8:00 Music worship
8:00 - 8:15 Announcement then break
8:15 - 9:45 Bible Study
Topic : "Adoption"
Semester Theme : "Get Real"
*** Camp Boggy Creek ***
Camp Boggy Creek (CBC) Info Session after Bible Study at 10:15pm for people of ALL AGES!!!
Josh will show a short 10 min CBC Volunteer Info Video and pass out paper applications for those interested in doing it SPRING semester. I'll answer any questions and help you along with the application process. If you fill in your application now, we can reserve a weekend at CBC as a group to volunteer together. For more info, see http://www.boggycreek.org
*** Directory and Year Book ***
This year, we're doing something a little bit different with the
directory. The attached pdf file is this year's directory and it
contains contact information for the members of Crossroads.
Download it, print it and use it!
****Please take the time to check and make sure that your
information is correct in the directory because this same
information will be reprinted in the yearbooks and we want it to
be correct! And if you're NOT ON IT, please tell Kristina too.
E-mail Kristina at kchenyin@ufl.edu if there are any
changes that need to be made. Also, if you are interested in
helping out with the yearbook(see below), please see Kristina as well.
At the end of the year, we are going to have a Crossroads
yearbook (yippee!) that will have more detailed information on
everyone (birthday, hometown, picture) as well as a space next
to each person for them to write you a personal message. It will
also have pictures of various Crossroads events throughout the
year. The yearbooks will be ready before the spring banquet, and
they are just another way for us to remember this past year that
God has blessed us with this fellowship.
****Remember, please email Kristina RIGHT NOW at kchenyin@ufl.edu if you need to correct your contact info or if you want to be added on.
*** Winter Banquet ***
This year, the Crossroads Winter Banquet will be held on THURSDAY,
December 6, 2007 at 6:30pm at the Gainesville Chinese Christian
Church. The theme is going to be "Winter Wonderland", so try to
make use of the colors white, gold, and silver. Also, since no
senior will be graduating this semester, the banquet will be a
time to fellowship with one another and celebrate how God has been
working with Crossroads this past year.
The food will be served potluck style, with each class providing
different types of food.
-freshmen: drinks
-sophomores: desserts/appetizers
-juniors: meals
-seniors/grads/working: meals
The winter banquet is less than two weeks away and we need A LOT of
help to make it happen. So if you're interested in helping out,
please let me know as soon as possible! Here is a list of the
positions and the spots that need to be filled.
**If you have any pictures from any event of Crossroads from the
past year, please submit them to Amy!! ( ames411@ufl.edu)
-SUPERLATIVES: Danielle Chiu
**We still need people to fill up the following positions. If you
would like to help out, please e-mail me. (ktuazon@ufl.edu)
Also, this year we will have a portion where YOU can entertain us
with your musical talents (i.e. playing a song..), or any talent
for that matter. We will have a sign-up sheet during this
Friday's Bible Study so if you're interested, you may sign up.
This year we will also be rewarding superlatives, but we need YOUR
help. What I need YOU guys to do is come up with some creative
superlative titles (i.e. "most likely to...") and send them to
Danielle Chiu ( dchiu87@ufl.edu). She will choose the most
creative titles and we will do the voting during this Friday's
Bible Study. The superlative titles can be gender-specific too.
The person who gets mentioned most for a specific title will win
that superlative and be rewarded during the banquet. So please
send Danielle any creative ideas you have for a superlative BEFORE
FRIDAY!! Thanks ~~
*** Weekly small groups ***
Prayer meeting :
on campus - Nicholas sinkin86@ufl.edu
Wednesdays, 7-9 pm @ park 16th # 4, contact Andrew( akuo@ufl.edu )
Girls group : Thursdays, 7-9 pm @ University Terrace West , Apt. 211, contact Sherry ( huoyu82@ufl.edu)
Guys group : Thursdays, 7-9 pm @ Klo's place, contact Klo( kevinlo@ufl.edu)
Freshman group : Saturdays, 1-3 pm @ Reitz Union, contact Klo( kevinlo@ufl.edu )
2. Camp Boggy Creek
3. Directory and Year Book : attached pdf file
4. Winter Banquet : help needed
5. Weekly small groups
*** Bible Study ***
At Gainesville Chinese Church
7:15 - 8:00 Music worship
8:00 - 8:15 Announcement then break
8:15 - 9:45 Bible Study
Topic : "Adoption"
Semester Theme : "Get Real"
*** Camp Boggy Creek ***
Camp Boggy Creek (CBC) Info Session after Bible Study at 10:15pm for people of ALL AGES!!!
Josh will show a short 10 min CBC Volunteer Info Video and pass out paper applications for those interested in doing it SPRING semester. I'll answer any questions and help you along with the application process. If you fill in your application now, we can reserve a weekend at CBC as a group to volunteer together. For more info, see http://www.boggycreek.org
*** Directory and Year Book ***
This year, we're doing something a little bit different with the
directory. The attached pdf file is this year's directory and it
contains contact information for the members of Crossroads.
Download it, print it and use it!
****Please take the time to check and make sure that your
information is correct in the directory because this same
information will be reprinted in the yearbooks and we want it to
be correct! And if you're NOT ON IT, please tell Kristina too.
E-mail Kristina at kchenyin@ufl.edu if there are any
changes that need to be made. Also, if you are interested in
helping out with the yearbook(see below), please see Kristina as well.
At the end of the year, we are going to have a Crossroads
yearbook (yippee!) that will have more detailed information on
everyone (birthday, hometown, picture) as well as a space next
to each person for them to write you a personal message. It will
also have pictures of various Crossroads events throughout the
year. The yearbooks will be ready before the spring banquet, and
they are just another way for us to remember this past year that
God has blessed us with this fellowship.
****Remember, please email Kristina RIGHT NOW at kchenyin@ufl.edu if you need to correct your contact info or if you want to be added on.
*** Winter Banquet ***
This year, the Crossroads Winter Banquet will be held on THURSDAY,
December 6, 2007 at 6:30pm at the Gainesville Chinese Christian
Church. The theme is going to be "Winter Wonderland", so try to
make use of the colors white, gold, and silver. Also, since no
senior will be graduating this semester, the banquet will be a
time to fellowship with one another and celebrate how God has been
working with Crossroads this past year.
The food will be served potluck style, with each class providing
different types of food.
-freshmen: drinks
-sophomores: desserts/appetizers
-juniors: meals
-seniors/grads/working: meals
The winter banquet is less than two weeks away and we need A LOT of
help to make it happen. So if you're interested in helping out,
please let me know as soon as possible! Here is a list of the
positions and the spots that need to be filled.
**If you have any pictures from any event of Crossroads from the
past year, please submit them to Amy!! ( ames411@ufl.edu)
-SUPERLATIVES: Danielle Chiu
**We still need people to fill up the following positions. If you
would like to help out, please e-mail me. (ktuazon@ufl.edu)
Also, this year we will have a portion where YOU can entertain us
with your musical talents (i.e. playing a song..), or any talent
for that matter. We will have a sign-up sheet during this
Friday's Bible Study so if you're interested, you may sign up.
This year we will also be rewarding superlatives, but we need YOUR
help. What I need YOU guys to do is come up with some creative
superlative titles (i.e. "most likely to...") and send them to
Danielle Chiu ( dchiu87@ufl.edu). She will choose the most
creative titles and we will do the voting during this Friday's
Bible Study. The superlative titles can be gender-specific too.
The person who gets mentioned most for a specific title will win
that superlative and be rewarded during the banquet. So please
send Danielle any creative ideas you have for a superlative BEFORE
FRIDAY!! Thanks ~~
*** Weekly small groups ***
Prayer meeting :
on campus - Nicholas sinkin86@ufl.edu
Wednesdays, 7-9 pm @ park 16th # 4, contact Andrew( akuo@ufl.edu )
Girls group : Thursdays, 7-9 pm @ University Terrace West , Apt. 211, contact Sherry ( huoyu82@ufl.edu)
Guys group : Thursdays, 7-9 pm @ Klo's place, contact Klo( kevinlo@ufl.edu)
Freshman group : Saturdays, 1-3 pm @ Reitz Union, contact Klo( kevinlo@ufl.edu )
Monday, November 26, 2007
Crossroads Winter Banquet...less than two weeks away! =D
Hello Crossroads!
(This is Katie). I hope everyone had an awesome Thanksgiving
The Fall semester is nearing its end..which means that the
Crossroads Winter Banquet is just around the corner! =]
This year, the Crossroads Winter Banquet will be held on THURSDAY,
December 6, 2007 at 6:30pm at the Gainesville Chinese Christian
Church. The theme is going to be "Winter Wonderland", so try to
make use of the colors white, gold, and silver. Also, since no
senior will be graduating this semester, the banquet will be a
time to fellowship with one another and celebrate how God has been
working with Crossroads this past year.
The food will be served potluck style, with each class providing
different types of food.
-freshmen: drinks
-sophomores: desserts/appetizers
-juniors: meals
-seniors/grads/working: meals
The winter banquet is less than two weeks away and we need A LOT of
help to make it happen. So if you're interested in helping out,
please let me know as soon as possible! Here is a list of the
positions and the spots that need to be filled.
**If you have any pictures from any event of Crossroads from the
past year, please submit them to Amy!! (ames411@ufl.edu)
-SUPERLATIVES: Danielle Chiu
**We still need people to fill up the following positions. If you
would like to help out, please e-mail me. (ktuazon@ufl.edu)
Also, this year we will have a portion where YOU can entertain us
with your musical talents (i.e. playing a song..), or any talent
for that matter. We will have a sign-up sheet during this
Friday's Bible Study so if you're interested, you may sign up.
This year we will also be rewarding superlatives, but we need YOUR
help. What I need YOU guys to do is come up with some creative
superlative titles (i.e. "most likely to...") and send them to
Danielle Chiu ( dchiu87@ufl.edu). She will choose the most
creative titles and we will do the voting during this Friday's
Bible Study. The superlative titles can be gender-specific too.
The person who gets mentioned most for a specific title will win
that superlative and be rewarded during the banquet. So please
send Danielle any creative ideas you have for a superlative BEFORE
(This is Katie). I hope everyone had an awesome Thanksgiving
The Fall semester is nearing its end..which means that the
Crossroads Winter Banquet is just around the corner! =]
This year, the Crossroads Winter Banquet will be held on THURSDAY,
December 6, 2007 at 6:30pm at the Gainesville Chinese Christian
Church. The theme is going to be "Winter Wonderland", so try to
make use of the colors white, gold, and silver. Also, since no
senior will be graduating this semester, the banquet will be a
time to fellowship with one another and celebrate how God has been
working with Crossroads this past year.
The food will be served potluck style, with each class providing
different types of food.
-freshmen: drinks
-sophomores: desserts/appetizers
-juniors: meals
-seniors/grads/working: meals
The winter banquet is less than two weeks away and we need A LOT of
help to make it happen. So if you're interested in helping out,
please let me know as soon as possible! Here is a list of the
positions and the spots that need to be filled.
**If you have any pictures from any event of Crossroads from the
past year, please submit them to Amy!! (ames411@ufl.edu)
-SUPERLATIVES: Danielle Chiu
**We still need people to fill up the following positions. If you
would like to help out, please e-mail me. (ktuazon@ufl.edu)
Also, this year we will have a portion where YOU can entertain us
with your musical talents (i.e. playing a song..), or any talent
for that matter. We will have a sign-up sheet during this
Friday's Bible Study so if you're interested, you may sign up.
This year we will also be rewarding superlatives, but we need YOUR
help. What I need YOU guys to do is come up with some creative
superlative titles (i.e. "most likely to...") and send them to
Danielle Chiu ( dchiu87@ufl.edu). She will choose the most
creative titles and we will do the voting during this Friday's
Bible Study. The superlative titles can be gender-specific too.
The person who gets mentioned most for a specific title will win
that superlative and be rewarded during the banquet. So please
send Danielle any creative ideas you have for a superlative BEFORE
Sunday, November 18, 2007
no bible study this week
Dear crossroads,
There is no small groups, no bible study on Friday. Have a safe trip home and a wonderful thanksgiving holiday.
In His love,
There is no small groups, no bible study on Friday. Have a safe trip home and a wonderful thanksgiving holiday.
In His love,
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
[11.16.07] Bible Study : Sin, Outreach on Saturday
1. Bible Study
2. Outreach projects
3. Weekly small groups
*** Bible Study***
At Gainesville Chinese Church
7:15 - 8:00 Music worship
8:00 - 8:15 Announcement then break
8:15 - 9:45 Bible Study
Topic : "Sin"
Semester Theme : "Get Real"
*** Outreach projects ***
This week we've got a lot of little projects up for YOUR consideration, and I know you're SOOO excited! yeee! :-)
If you want to help, PLEASE contact Dan ASAP ( wooguay@gmail.com or wooguay@ufl.edu) and specify which project you'd like to help with.
We have (drumroll...)
1. A cleaning project in need of 2-3 helpers
2. A cleaning project in need of 4-5 helpers
3. A 10-person painting job
4. A 10-15-person ramp build (it's a big one!! 36 feet!)
5. A CCF nursing home visit for as many people as would like to come
Like I said, e-mail Dan ASAP ( wooguay@gmail.com or wooguay@ufl.edu) so he knows which projects to schedule for the lovely people at Christians Concerned for the Community (a.k.a CCC--in case you didn't know, that's the group that plans all these cleanings and ramp builds for us).
So pray, search your heart and decide which project's good for you. Thanks so much everybody!!
*** Weekly small groups ***
Prayer meeting :
on campus - Nicholas sinkin86@ufl.edu
Wednesdays, 7-9 pm @ park 16th # 4, contact Andrew( akuo@ufl.edu )
Girls group : Thursdays, 7-9 pm @ park 16th # 36, contact Sherry ( huoyu82@ufl.edu)
Guys group : Thursdays, 7-9 pm @ Klo's place, contact Klo( kevinlo@ufl.edu)
Freshman group : Saturdays, 1-3 pm @ Reitz Union, contact Klo( kevinlo@ufl.edu )
2. Outreach projects
3. Weekly small groups
*** Bible Study***
At Gainesville Chinese Church
7:15 - 8:00 Music worship
8:00 - 8:15 Announcement then break
8:15 - 9:45 Bible Study
Topic : "Sin"
Semester Theme : "Get Real"
*** Outreach projects ***
This week we've got a lot of little projects up for YOUR consideration, and I know you're SOOO excited! yeee! :-)
If you want to help, PLEASE contact Dan ASAP ( wooguay@gmail.com or wooguay@ufl.edu) and specify which project you'd like to help with.
We have (drumroll...)
1. A cleaning project in need of 2-3 helpers
2. A cleaning project in need of 4-5 helpers
3. A 10-person painting job
4. A 10-15-person ramp build (it's a big one!! 36 feet!)
5. A CCF nursing home visit for as many people as would like to come
Like I said, e-mail Dan ASAP ( wooguay@gmail.com or wooguay@ufl.edu) so he knows which projects to schedule for the lovely people at Christians Concerned for the Community (a.k.a CCC--in case you didn't know, that's the group that plans all these cleanings and ramp builds for us).
So pray, search your heart and decide which project's good for you. Thanks so much everybody!!
*** Weekly small groups ***
Prayer meeting :
on campus - Nicholas sinkin86@ufl.edu
Wednesdays, 7-9 pm @ park 16th # 4, contact Andrew( akuo@ufl.edu )
Girls group : Thursdays, 7-9 pm @ park 16th # 36, contact Sherry ( huoyu82@ufl.edu)
Guys group : Thursdays, 7-9 pm @ Klo's place, contact Klo( kevinlo@ufl.edu)
Freshman group : Saturdays, 1-3 pm @ Reitz Union, contact Klo( kevinlo@ufl.edu )
Thursday, November 8, 2007
Saturday outreach event !!
Hey Everybody!
Thanks to everyone who came out Saturday for the wheelchair ramp build...I'm sure you're not gonna forget it anytime soon, hehehe... :-)
Anyways, this Saturday we're going to have another cleaning/wheelchair ramp build. We'll need about 5 for the cleaning and 10-12 for the build, to be on the safe side. For those who came last week, Dan said this build should be a lot easier. So if you're interested in showing off your crazy cleaning/sawing/hammering/digging skills, PLEASE contact me or Dan as soon as you can.
I think we'll be heading out for the build around 9-ish...I'll have a definite time on Friday, but that should be close. It's a little early, but I PROMISE you from the bottom of my heart that serving your neighbors in Christ is definitely better than sleeping in.
And besides, you can sleep in on Monday. ;-)
Hope to see you Saturday!!
Thanks to everyone who came out Saturday for the wheelchair ramp build...I'm sure you're not gonna forget it anytime soon, hehehe... :-)
Anyways, this Saturday we're going to have another cleaning/wheelchair ramp build. We'll need about 5 for the cleaning and 10-12 for the build, to be on the safe side. For those who came last week, Dan said this build should be a lot easier. So if you're interested in showing off your crazy cleaning/sawing/hammering/digging skills, PLEASE contact me or Dan as soon as you can.
I think we'll be heading out for the build around 9-ish...I'll have a definite time on Friday, but that should be close. It's a little early, but I PROMISE you from the bottom of my heart that serving your neighbors in Christ is definitely better than sleeping in.
And besides, you can sleep in on Monday. ;-)
Hope to see you Saturday!!
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
[11.09.07] Bible Study : Sin
1. Bible Study
2. Tommy Wong Get-together in Orlando
3. Weekly small groups
*** Bible Study***
At Gainesville Chinese Church
7:15 - 8:00 Music worship
8:00 - 8:15 Announcement then break
8:15 - 9:45 Bible Study
Topic : "Sin"
Semester Theme : "Get Real"
*** Tommy Wong Get-together in Orlando ***
Heading to Orlando this long weekend?! Head to Tommy Wong's get-together. All of Crossroads invited.
Event InfoName: *GOBBLE GOBBLE* (can be found on facebook)
Mmmm the smell of roast turkey and dutch apple pie...
Join us for an early THANKSGIVING potluck dinner!
*UPDATES on our Asian American Christian Student Org. at UCF as we prepare for our launch in Spring! This is to help FL Asian American Christians to know what's going on at UCF...so we can pray for them and to meet others!*
Tagline: Turkey Dinner Party- Potluck Asian STyle
Date: Sunday, November 11, 2007
Time: 6:30pm - 11:55pm
Location: David Tu's Crib (Tommy's cousin)
4575 Aguila Place
Orlando, FL
Phone: 352.281.9224
Please RSVP and write what you're bringing on FACEBOOK! Invite your friends!
Easiest way to get there...
1) Coming from University Blvd take Alafaya north past UCF campus
2) Make a RIGHT on McCulloch Rd and take it until it DEAD ENDS.
3) Turn RIGHT at Native Dancer Way into Rybolt Reserve Subdivision
4) Enter code 229 at the gate to call us and we'll let you in
4) Make a first RIGHT at Northern Dancer Way
5) Make a first RIGHT onto Unbridled Dr.
6) Make a first LEFT onto Aguila Pl.
7) Arrive at 4575 on your RIGHT HAND SIDE.
*** Weekly small groups ***
Prayer meeting :
another meeting on campus -
Nicholas is thinking of setting up an alternate prayer meeting/get
together during the week. Right now he is going to try for Mondays
around 12:30-3:30pm, on the Reitz Union lawn. Near the posters. If it is raining then meet under the Reitz Union collenade thing. Please email Nick if you are interested, even if you prefer another time or place. Thank you
- Nicholas sinkin86@ufl.edu
Wednesdays, 7-9 pm @ park 16th # 4, contact Andrew( akuo@ufl.edu )
Girls group : Thursdays, 7-9 pm @ park 16th # 36, contact Sherry ( huoyu82@ufl.edu)
Guys group : Thursdays, 7-9 pm @ Klo's place, contact Klo( kevinlo@ufl.edu)
Freshman group : Saturdays, 1-3 pm @ Reitz Union, contact Klo( kevinlo@ufl.edu)
2. Tommy Wong Get-together in Orlando
3. Weekly small groups
*** Bible Study***
At Gainesville Chinese Church
7:15 - 8:00 Music worship
8:00 - 8:15 Announcement then break
8:15 - 9:45 Bible Study
Topic : "Sin"
Semester Theme : "Get Real"
*** Tommy Wong Get-together in Orlando ***
Heading to Orlando this long weekend?! Head to Tommy Wong's get-together. All of Crossroads invited.
Event InfoName: *GOBBLE GOBBLE* (can be found on facebook)
Mmmm the smell of roast turkey and dutch apple pie...
Join us for an early THANKSGIVING potluck dinner!
*UPDATES on our Asian American Christian Student Org. at UCF as we prepare for our launch in Spring! This is to help FL Asian American Christians to know what's going on at UCF...so we can pray for them and to meet others!*
Tagline: Turkey Dinner Party- Potluck Asian STyle
Date: Sunday, November 11, 2007
Time: 6:30pm - 11:55pm
Location: David Tu's Crib (Tommy's cousin)
4575 Aguila Place
Orlando, FL
Phone: 352.281.9224
Please RSVP and write what you're bringing on FACEBOOK! Invite your friends!
Easiest way to get there...
1) Coming from University Blvd take Alafaya north past UCF campus
2) Make a RIGHT on McCulloch Rd and take it until it DEAD ENDS.
3) Turn RIGHT at Native Dancer Way into Rybolt Reserve Subdivision
4) Enter code 229 at the gate to call us and we'll let you in
4) Make a first RIGHT at Northern Dancer Way
5) Make a first RIGHT onto Unbridled Dr.
6) Make a first LEFT onto Aguila Pl.
7) Arrive at 4575 on your RIGHT HAND SIDE.
*** Weekly small groups ***
Prayer meeting :
another meeting on campus -
Nicholas is thinking of setting up an alternate prayer meeting/get
together during the week. Right now he is going to try for Mondays
around 12:30-3:30pm, on the Reitz Union lawn. Near the posters. If it is raining then meet under the Reitz Union collenade thing. Please email Nick if you are interested, even if you prefer another time or place. Thank you
- Nicholas sinkin86@ufl.edu
Wednesdays, 7-9 pm @ park 16th # 4, contact Andrew( akuo@ufl.edu )
Girls group : Thursdays, 7-9 pm @ park 16th # 36, contact Sherry ( huoyu82@ufl.edu)
Guys group : Thursdays, 7-9 pm @ Klo's place, contact Klo( kevinlo@ufl.edu)
Freshman group : Saturdays, 1-3 pm @ Reitz Union, contact Klo( kevinlo@ufl.edu)
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
[11.02.07] Crossroad Bible Study : Matthew 18:12-14, "Equilibrium in God"
1. Bible Study
2. Operation Christmas Child : this Saturday !!
3. Collect Pictures
4. Weekly small groups
*** Bible Study***
At Gainesville Chinese Church, please read Matthew 18:12-14 before coming.
7:15 - 8:00 Music worship
8:00 - 8:15 Announcement then break
8:15 - 9:45 Bible Study
Topic : "Equilibrium in God"
Semester Theme : "Get Real"
***Operation Christmas Child***
WHAT: Operation Christmas Child brings joy and hope to children in desperate situations around the world through gift-filled shoe boxes and the Good News of God's love. This program of Samaritan's Purse provides an opportunity for people of all ages to be involved in a simple, hands???on missions project while focusing on the true meaning of Christmas???Jesus Christ.
WHERE: Charlene's apt at STONERIDGE GG 332
WHEN: Saturday, November 3rd, 10am - 3pm or later
WHO: YOU~! ^_~
WHY: To make a difference in someone's life across the world, and to participate with the Gainesville Chinese Christian Church (GCCC) in doing missions.
IF CANT COME: if you cant come, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE donate money to help with shipping and handling, as each box will need to have $7 dollars to go along with it. it would be much appreciated! ^___________^
IF CAN COME: if you have empty shoeboxes that you are willing to give away, please bring them to with you when we meet on Saturday! Also, wrapping paper would be nice too, thanks! ^^
*** Collect Pictures ***
Please help our poor Historian out by giving him your pictures! They can be of official or unofficial events, or even just random meetings. As long as they have some association with our group and/or members. You can email them to Nicholas Procter at coundrumseeker@gmail.com , or bring them in some sort of data transportation device (cd, dvd, flash drive, etc) to him in person on Friday nights or whenever you see him.
Also, in an effort to make things nicer, it would be appreciated if you attached a text file that contains the date of the pictures, name of the event (if applicable), names of the subjects in and place of the pictures, and lastly any high points or memorable moments that come to mind. You do not have to do a picture by picture naming of people, but can instead just have one list of all the people in all pictures. This is in an effort to have a yearbook or some other comprehensive record. This may also be used in events such as banquets where we like to see where we've been and what we've done.
Folder name (or text file name): Hoe Down Oct. 2007
Attendees (all pictures): Nick Procter, Joe Liu, Daniele Chiu
Place: Fair Oaks
Special notes: Joint meeting of Crossroads and Korean groups
Memorable moments: Doretta won 1st place in the baking contest. Nick danced funny. Doris and others were amused by a cistern. Josh fell off the Hay ride in the cistern
*** Weekly small groups ***
Prayer meeting :
another meeting on campus -
Nicholas is thinking of setting up an alternate prayer meeting/get
together during the week. Right now he is going to try for Mondays
around 12:30-3:30pm, on the Reitz Union lawn. Near the posters. If it is raining then meet under the Reitz Union collenade thing. Please email Nick if you are interested, even if you prefer another time or place. Thank you
- Nicholas sinkin86@ufl.edu
Wednesdays, 7-9 pm @ park 16th # 4, contact Andrew( akuo@ufl.edu )
Girls group : Thursdays, 7-9 pm @ park 16th # 36, contact Sherry ( huoyu82@ufl.edu)
Guys group : Thursdays, 7-9 pm @ Klo's place, contact Klo( kevinlo@ufl.edu)
Freshman group : Saturdays, 1-3 pm @ Reitz Union, contact Klo( kevinlo@ufl.edu)
2. Operation Christmas Child : this Saturday !!
3. Collect Pictures
4. Weekly small groups
*** Bible Study***
At Gainesville Chinese Church, please read Matthew 18:12-14 before coming.
7:15 - 8:00 Music worship
8:00 - 8:15 Announcement then break
8:15 - 9:45 Bible Study
Topic : "Equilibrium in God"
Semester Theme : "Get Real"
***Operation Christmas Child***
WHAT: Operation Christmas Child brings joy and hope to children in desperate situations around the world through gift-filled shoe boxes and the Good News of God's love. This program of Samaritan's Purse provides an opportunity for people of all ages to be involved in a simple, hands???on missions project while focusing on the true meaning of Christmas???Jesus Christ.
WHERE: Charlene's apt at STONERIDGE GG 332
WHEN: Saturday, November 3rd, 10am - 3pm or later
WHO: YOU~! ^_~
WHY: To make a difference in someone's life across the world, and to participate with the Gainesville Chinese Christian Church (GCCC) in doing missions.
IF CANT COME: if you cant come, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE donate money to help with shipping and handling, as each box will need to have $7 dollars to go along with it. it would be much appreciated! ^___________^
IF CAN COME: if you have empty shoeboxes that you are willing to give away, please bring them to with you when we meet on Saturday! Also, wrapping paper would be nice too, thanks! ^^
*** Collect Pictures ***
Please help our poor Historian out by giving him your pictures! They can be of official or unofficial events, or even just random meetings. As long as they have some association with our group and/or members. You can email them to Nicholas Procter at coundrumseeker@gmail.com , or bring them in some sort of data transportation device (cd, dvd, flash drive, etc) to him in person on Friday nights or whenever you see him.
Also, in an effort to make things nicer, it would be appreciated if you attached a text file that contains the date of the pictures, name of the event (if applicable), names of the subjects in and place of the pictures, and lastly any high points or memorable moments that come to mind. You do not have to do a picture by picture naming of people, but can instead just have one list of all the people in all pictures. This is in an effort to have a yearbook or some other comprehensive record. This may also be used in events such as banquets where we like to see where we've been and what we've done.
Folder name (or text file name): Hoe Down Oct. 2007
Attendees (all pictures): Nick Procter, Joe Liu, Daniele Chiu
Place: Fair Oaks
Special notes: Joint meeting of Crossroads and Korean groups
Memorable moments: Doretta won 1st place in the baking contest. Nick danced funny. Doris and others were amused by a cistern. Josh fell off the Hay ride in the cistern
*** Weekly small groups ***
Prayer meeting :
another meeting on campus -
Nicholas is thinking of setting up an alternate prayer meeting/get
together during the week. Right now he is going to try for Mondays
around 12:30-3:30pm, on the Reitz Union lawn. Near the posters. If it is raining then meet under the Reitz Union collenade thing. Please email Nick if you are interested, even if you prefer another time or place. Thank you
- Nicholas sinkin86@ufl.edu
Wednesdays, 7-9 pm @ park 16th # 4, contact Andrew( akuo@ufl.edu )
Girls group : Thursdays, 7-9 pm @ park 16th # 36, contact Sherry ( huoyu82@ufl.edu)
Guys group : Thursdays, 7-9 pm @ Klo's place, contact Klo( kevinlo@ufl.edu)
Freshman group : Saturdays, 1-3 pm @ Reitz Union, contact Klo( kevinlo@ufl.edu)
Monday, October 29, 2007
Operation Christmas Child
Date: Saturday, November 3, 2007
Time: 10:00am - 3:00pm
Location: TBA
Getting together to make gift boxes for Operation Christmas Child! ^_______________^
we will go out and buy the presents for inside the boxes, put the boxes together, and wrap them all up together! ^__________^
If you can not make it on this Saturday, ie you are going home, please help out by donating $$$ (money) for the boxes, as each box will need $7 dollars to help cover for shipping and handling. THANKS!
Time: 10:00am - 3:00pm
Location: TBA
Getting together to make gift boxes for Operation Christmas Child! ^_______________^
we will go out and buy the presents for inside the boxes, put the boxes together, and wrap them all up together! ^__________^
If you can not make it on this Saturday, ie you are going home, please help out by donating $$$ (money) for the boxes, as each box will need $7 dollars to help cover for shipping and handling. THANKS!
Camp Boggy Creek SPRING 2008 - Community Service/Outreach Event
Dear Crossroads,
CampBoggyCreek (CBC) for Spring 2008!!!! =) It's a camp for children with disabilities/illnesses. We'll be going there as a group to volunteer. You DO NOT need any medical experience because they have medical staff there. This is great for those interested in any health-related field or who wants to work with kids in the future...or if you just have the heart to help others. It's also a chance you can share the CHRIST with your life there that weekend. Many kids grow just from one weekend experience!!
Please read the info below (from the CBC coordinator). Even if you don't know if you can do it in the spring, finish the application now and turn it in so that if they accept you, you don't have to do it again in the future. =)
What to do if interested:
1. Please email Josh at jnlin85@ufl.edu RIGHT NOW
2. Read over this email and the three attached documents
3. Best dates for you (or which dates you're more interested in going to because if the illnesses)
4. Whether you'd like to coordinate this community service event or not.
***********Email from CBC:
2008 is right around the corner and we want to invite you and your members to join us for another incredible Spring Family Weekend Season. Our Family Weekend program provides an opportunity for the whole family to come to camp for a weekend of fun camping activities. Volunteering at Camp Boggy Creek offers College Campus groups the opportunity to "team build" together, gain amazing experiences that cannot be found anywhere else or just give back to the community as a whole. Individual students also find this a great way to earn service hours or school credit. If you are looking to not only have the time of your life, but you want to make a difference in the lives of some amazing kids and their families, then Boggy Creek is the place for you. We utilize 60 volunteers (male and female, ages 19 and older)/each weekend to participate as a Family Pal , Activity Pal, Certified Lifeguard (4 per weekend) or Dining Hall assistant. (See attached job descriptions)
The following is our schedule for the 2008 Spring season:
January 11-13 Diabetes
January 18-21 Spina Bifida /(MLK - 4 day event)
February 1-3 Heart
February 8-10 Asthma with Immunology
February 22-24 Blended Weekend (Children with many different types of illnesses can come)
March 5-9 KOVAC/(Kids on Ventilator Assisted Care-5 day event -ASB)
March 14-16 Cancer
March 28-30 Craniofacial
April 11-13 Sickle Cell
April 18-20 Heart
All Group paperwork must be turned in at least 8 weeks prior to the scheduled weekend to hold spots for up to 10 people! Members may continue to submit completed application paperwork throughout the spring months, as we may have cancellations!
You won't want to miss out on this exciting opportunity to play with some amazing kids and their families here at Camp Boggy Creek! So come on and join the fun!! Check out our website at to learn more about volunteering with us. Contact the Volunteer Coordinator, Robin Brubaker, at 352-483-4200 ext. 293 or email at Rbrubaker@boggycreek.org. Please send us the group leader's contact info (email and phone number and we will be happy to email them the Family Weekend Group Leader information. Once your group has read through the guidelines and commit to a weekend, email us and will confirm your reservation. All completed Applications and background check paperwork will need to be turned into our office at least 8 weeks prior to the weekend you wish to attend in order to hold spots for your group. You are welcome to submit paperwork after the deadline, but
spots will be filled on a first come/first serve basis after the deadline.
Thanks everyone! Remember:
What to do if interested:
1. Please email Josh at jnlin85@ufl.edu RIGHT NOW
2. Read over this email and the three attached documents
3. Best dates for you (or which dates you're more interested in going to because if the illnesses)
4. Whether you'd like to coordinate this community service event or not.
-Josh =)
CampBoggyCreek (CBC) for Spring 2008!!!! =) It's a camp for children with disabilities/illnesses. We'll be going there as a group to volunteer. You DO NOT need any medical experience because they have medical staff there. This is great for those interested in any health-related field or who wants to work with kids in the future...or if you just have the heart to help others. It's also a chance you can share the CHRIST with your life there that weekend. Many kids grow just from one weekend experience!!
Please read the info below (from the CBC coordinator). Even if you don't know if you can do it in the spring, finish the application now and turn it in so that if they accept you, you don't have to do it again in the future. =)
What to do if interested:
1. Please email Josh at jnlin85@ufl.edu RIGHT NOW
2. Read over this email and the three attached documents
3. Best dates for you (or which dates you're more interested in going to because if the illnesses)
4. Whether you'd like to coordinate this community service event or not.
***********Email from CBC:
2008 is right around the corner and we want to invite you and your members to join us for another incredible Spring Family Weekend Season. Our Family Weekend program provides an opportunity for the whole family to come to camp for a weekend of fun camping activities. Volunteering at Camp Boggy Creek offers College Campus groups the opportunity to "team build" together, gain amazing experiences that cannot be found anywhere else or just give back to the community as a whole. Individual students also find this a great way to earn service hours or school credit. If you are looking to not only have the time of your life, but you want to make a difference in the lives of some amazing kids and their families, then Boggy Creek is the place for you. We utilize 60 volunteers (male and female, ages 19 and older)/each weekend to participate as a Family Pal , Activity Pal, Certified Lifeguard (4 per weekend) or Dining Hall assistant. (See attached job descriptions)
The following is our schedule for the 2008 Spring season:
January 11-13 Diabetes
January 18-21 Spina Bifida /(MLK - 4 day event)
February 1-3 Heart
February 8-10 Asthma with Immunology
February 22-24 Blended Weekend (Children with many different types of illnesses can come)
March 5-9 KOVAC/(Kids on Ventilator Assisted Care-5 day event -ASB)
March 14-16 Cancer
March 28-30 Craniofacial
April 11-13 Sickle Cell
April 18-20 Heart
All Group paperwork must be turned in at least 8 weeks prior to the scheduled weekend to hold spots for up to 10 people! Members may continue to submit completed application paperwork throughout the spring months, as we may have cancellations!
You won't want to miss out on this exciting opportunity to play with some amazing kids and their families here at Camp Boggy Creek! So come on and join the fun!! Check out our website at
spots will be filled on a first come/first serve basis after the deadline.
Thanks everyone! Remember:
What to do if interested:
1. Please email Josh at jnlin85@ufl.edu RIGHT NOW
2. Read over this email and the three attached documents
3. Best dates for you (or which dates you're more interested in going to because if the illnesses)
4. Whether you'd like to coordinate this community service event or not.
-Josh =)
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
2.OUTREACH Event this Saturday
3.Officers-only meeting
4.Weekly Small groups
*** Hoe-Down info AND DIRECTIONS!! (MAP) ***
When: Friday, October 26 6:30pm - 11:00pm
Where : Fair Oaks Farm Micanopy, FL
Direction : Please see the attached map
Head south on 441, after the yellow blinking lights go for 2.7 miles and make a left on 185th Avenue, Make another left on 75th street. Make a right on 179th place and Fair Oaks Farm will be the first street on the left (there will be lights at the entrance)
This week, we're gonna need about 10 people for a house cleaning or ramp build this Saturday at 9 a.m. Please let me(Lindsey) or Dan know if you'd like to come. And please let one of us know If you'd rather clean or build a wheelchair ramp, or if you'd be willing to do either. We'll need 4 or 5 people for the cleaning and about 6 for the build. I've done both...it's a good opportunity for bonding with Crossroads buddies, plus you can sometimes get a chance to talk to the families you're helping. Should be fuuuunnn! :-) Afterwards, we may get a chance to talk about future outreach stuff, so that should be good too !!
-Lindsey ( lindzr@ufl.edu )
*** Officers-only meeting ***
WHEN : 7:30-9:30pm (should be shorter, please eat beforehand)
Sunday, Oct. 28
WHERE : Park 16th, Apt. 4
1111 SW 16th Ave.
Gainesville, FL 32601
Rides: if needed, please coordinate it BEFORE sunday. Josh will be at camp boggy creek from friday afternoon until sunday at 4pm.
To do beforehand/bring:
-read over notes from last TWO leadership meetings to see if you're keeping up to task
-ideas of what you can do in your roles this year
-ideas for improvement of your roles or each others' roles
-ideas of how to keep each officer accountable with their responsibilities
-ideas of how to UNIFY officers, leaders (like bible study, guys group, girls group, etc.), and members
-paper/pen and a notebook/paper
ICEBREAKER: THINK OF TWO things/events in your life that have shaped you into who you are today!! =)
*** Weekly small groups ***
Prayer meeting : Wednesdays, 7-9 pm @ park 16th # 4, contact Andrew (akuo@ufl.edu)
Girls group : Thursdays, 7-9 pm @ park 16th # 36, contact Sherry (huoyu82@ufl.edu)
Guys group : Thursdays, 7-9 pm @ Klo's place, contact Kevin (kevinlo@ufl.edu)
Freshman group : Saturdays, 1-3 pm @ Reitz Union, contact Kevin (kevinlo@ufl.edu)
Prayer meeting: Mondays, 12:30-3:30 pm @ Reitz Union lawn, contact Nick (sinkin86@ufl.edu)
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
[10.19.07] Crossroads Friday Bible Study : Is God better?
1. Bible Study
2. Light the Night Team Info
5. Operation Christmas Child
6. Directory
7. Weekly small groups
*** Bible Study***
At Gainesville Chinese Church
7:15 - 8:00 Music worship
8:00 - 8:15 Announcement then break
8:15 - 9:45 Bible Study
Topic : "Is God Better?"
*** Light the Night Team Info ***
When : Thursday, Oct. 18, 2007
Where : Ben Hill Griffin Stadium - North Lawn.
Check-In and pre-walk festivites start at 6 p.m. and the Walk starts at 7:30 p.m.
I picked up the vouchers for the balloons and got some t-shirts (and a special one for Eunice). I think for everyone else we could wear our Crossroads t-shirts and show some solidarity for our awesome team. Let's meet up at the stadium lawn at 6:30-45 p.m. near the alligator statue and we'll get our balloons and banner. With the extra time we can meet and greet others and stuff like that. If you need a ride or have any questions call me at 407-782-4325 or benji@ufl.edu
here's the people who are part of the team.
Chia-yi (Valere) Chen
Catherine Fang
Gabriela Ho
Eunice Johnson
Benjamin Lee
Joshua Lin
Mei (Fanny) Poon
Annie Song
Tiffany Tseng
Katrina Tuazon
Jamie Wang
1. Please sign up to help with set-up/clean-up
2. Please sign up for the baking contest, as the baking contest is taking place of desserts and if not enough people bake then...not everyone will get desserts ;_____; sadness
WHEN : Oct. 21th, Sunday, 10:45 AM
WHO : Wes! Jennie! Mili!
WHERE : Lake Wauburg
WHAT : Come out and join us and share the joy! we will have the usual praise and worship and then msg/baptism and then there will also be lunch this sunday!
1. try to carpool because there isn't much parking.
3. bring chairs or blankets, we will be outside.
***Operation Christmas Child ***
WHAT : This is a program started up by samaritans purse and they
send shoeboxes filled with goodies all over the world to kids of
all ages. so the GCCC is participating in it and we can do it with
them too! ^______^ everyone can do this as a group effort, in
other words everyone go together and buy the stuff! GROUP EVENT!
WHEN : The collection deadline that the church is setting will be Sunday, Nov 11. so maybe on a Saturday we can all go and buy stuff to go fill up the boxes together.
wouldnt that be fun? ^______________^ if people want more info
they can go to the website and look up operation christmas child
*** Directory ***
Please reply and send your information or picture. Especially if you are not on last year's directory. If you have already done so, neglect this. The deadline is by this Friday. So please send me your information so we know who you are and how to contact you !!
*** Weekly small groups ***
Prayer meeting :
another meeting on campus -
Nicholas is thinking of setting up an alternate prayer meeting/get
together during the week. Right now he is going to try for Mondays
around 1230-330pm, on the Reitz Union lawn. Near the posters. If it is raining then meet under the Reitz Union collenade thing. Please email Nick if you are interested, even if you prefer another time or place. Thank you
- Nicholas sinkin86@ufl.edu
Wednesdays, 7-9 pm @ park 16th # 4, contact Andrew( akuo@ufl.edu )
Girls group : Thursdays, 7-9 pm @ park 16th # 36, contact Sherry ( huoyu82@ufl.edu)
Guys group : Thursdays, 7-9 pm @ Klo's place, contact Klo( kevinlo@ufl.edu)
Freshman group : Saturdays, 1-3 pm @ Reitz Union, contact Klo( kevinlo@ufl.edu)
2. Light the Night Team Info
5. Operation Christmas Child
6. Directory
7. Weekly small groups
*** Bible Study***
At Gainesville Chinese Church
7:15 - 8:00 Music worship
8:00 - 8:15 Announcement then break
8:15 - 9:45 Bible Study
Topic : "Is God Better?"
*** Light the Night Team Info ***
When : Thursday, Oct. 18, 2007
Where : Ben Hill Griffin Stadium - North Lawn.
Check-In and pre-walk festivites start at 6 p.m. and the Walk starts at 7:30 p.m.
I picked up the vouchers for the balloons and got some t-shirts (and a special one for Eunice). I think for everyone else we could wear our Crossroads t-shirts and show some solidarity for our awesome team. Let's meet up at the stadium lawn at 6:30-45 p.m. near the alligator statue and we'll get our balloons and banner. With the extra time we can meet and greet others and stuff like that. If you need a ride or have any questions call me at 407-782-4325 or benji@ufl.edu
here's the people who are part of the team.
Chia-yi (Valere) Chen
Catherine Fang
Gabriela Ho
Eunice Johnson
Benjamin Lee
Joshua Lin
Mei (Fanny) Poon
Annie Song
Tiffany Tseng
Katrina Tuazon
Jamie Wang
1. Please sign up to help with set-up/clean-up
2. Please sign up for the baking contest, as the baking contest is taking place of desserts and if not enough people bake then...not everyone will get desserts ;_____; sadness
WHEN : Oct. 21th, Sunday, 10:45 AM
WHO : Wes! Jennie! Mili!
WHERE : Lake Wauburg
WHAT : Come out and join us and share the joy! we will have the usual praise and worship and then msg/baptism and then there will also be lunch this sunday!
1. try to carpool because there isn't much parking.
3. bring chairs or blankets, we will be outside.
***Operation Christmas Child ***
WHAT : This is a program started up by samaritans purse and they
send shoeboxes filled with goodies all over the world to kids of
all ages. so the GCCC is participating in it and we can do it with
them too! ^______^ everyone can do this as a group effort, in
other words everyone go together and buy the stuff! GROUP EVENT!
WHEN : The collection deadline that the church is setting will be Sunday, Nov 11. so maybe on a Saturday we can all go and buy stuff to go fill up the boxes together.
wouldnt that be fun? ^______________^ if people want more info
they can go to the website and look up operation christmas child
*** Directory ***
Please reply and send your information or picture. Especially if you are not on last year's directory. If you have already done so, neglect this. The deadline is by this Friday. So please send me your information so we know who you are and how to contact you !!
*** Weekly small groups ***
Prayer meeting :
another meeting on campus -
Nicholas is thinking of setting up an alternate prayer meeting/get
together during the week. Right now he is going to try for Mondays
around 1230-330pm, on the Reitz Union lawn. Near the posters. If it is raining then meet under the Reitz Union collenade thing. Please email Nick if you are interested, even if you prefer another time or place. Thank you
- Nicholas sinkin86@ufl.edu
Wednesdays, 7-9 pm @ park 16th # 4, contact Andrew( akuo@ufl.edu )
Girls group : Thursdays, 7-9 pm @ park 16th # 36, contact Sherry ( huoyu82@ufl.edu)
Guys group : Thursdays, 7-9 pm @ Klo's place, contact Klo( kevinlo@ufl.edu)
Freshman group : Saturdays, 1-3 pm @ Reitz Union, contact Klo( kevinlo@ufl.edu)
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
10.12.06 : LTN Taste Festival and Joint meeting with the Adults
1. Light the Night Taste Festival : we need people to cook !!!
2. Friday Night Sharing and Fellowship
3. BEACH TRIP : Saturday 8 am =)
4. HOEDOWN : the most exciting event in CCF !!
5. Leadership and Helpers Meeting : Sunday 2:15 pm
6. Weekly small groups : another prayer meeting
*** Light the Night Taste Festival ***
Hey Crossroads, we REALLY need everyone from the college group to bring a dish for the taste festival. Because of this, we are lowering the entrance fee to $5. If you really don't want to pay the entrance fee, we still ask that you please bring something so that the people (mainly adults) who pay $15 to eat will not go away with empty stomachs.
So if you can bring anything, please email Annie ( xasong@ufl.edu) RIGHT NOW!!!!!! and let her know what you are bringing.
Also, if you plan to walk on Thursday Oct 18 and have not registered yet, please do so NOW.
- Annie
*** Friday Night Sharing and Fellowship ***
at Gainesville Christian Chinese Church
5:30pm - setup for Light the Night Taste Festival
6-7:25pm - Light the Night Taste Festival!!!
7:30-8pm - college group-led music worship
8-9:30pm - Sharing
A Chinese Christian who attends an "underground" church has agreed to come and talk to us about the Christian life in China!!! This is actually quite dangerous with regards to those who are in that secret church, since the Chinese government would go and persecute them if the gov found out where that church met...also, two other church members will be sharing! all translated into English
*** BEACH TRIP ***
WHEN: This Saturday, Oct. 13; 8am-till whenever your driver leaves; meet @ Park 16th (apt #4) @ 7:30am will leave at 8am
WHERE: Anastasia State Park
WHO: CROSSROADS ^__________^
WHY: to enjoy the beach before it gets cold and have fun and fellowship with one another through playing in the water, games/sports, singing(if someone wants to bring a guitar ^^), etc.
WHAT TO BRING: bring your own lunch and snacks to share ^_______^, SUNBLOCK, towels, umbrella, frisbee, guitar, etc.
*** HOEDOWN ***
WHEN: Oct. 26th, Friday 6:30 pm
WHERE : Fair Oaks Farm, Micanopy
WHAT : most exciting CCF event of the year! lets name all the wonderful reasons :
1. the food
2. the fellowship
3. the dancing
4. the bonfire
5. the hayride
6. the competitions (friendly ones)
7. the games
8. and did we mention the food?!?!
and this year we have a baking contest, to spice things up a little, to add a little excitement to our lives, so if you want to enter start up your ovens! oh and one tip is that Rick is gonna be a judge and he LOOOOVES chocolate!
if you are interested in helping out, please email Doris ( fangd@ufl.edu)
RSVP : please RSVP in facebook event "CCF Hoe Down 2007"
*** Leadership and Helpers Meeting ***
WHO : actually ALL MEMBERS are invited!
WHEN : Sunday, Oct. 14, at 2:15pm
WHERE : Apt 4 @ Park 16th
Purpose 1: Status check of how things are going in EACH area of CROSSROADS. Comments/suggestions for each other and how we can help each other.
Purpose 2: Invite members, who aren't serving at the time, to come and listen in to our meeting and see if they want to help or not, now or future. This is a good time for them to come and see what it's like.
Dear Leaders and Helpers of ALL service areas, if you can't come, please tell me ahead of time. Thanks!!
Josh: jnlin85@ufl.edu , 407-923-5788
*** Weekly small groups ***
Prayer meeting :
another meeting on campus -
Nicholas is thinking of setting up an alternate prayer meeting/get
together during the week. Right now he is going to try for Mondays
around 1230-330pm, on the Reitz Union lawn. Near the posters. If it is raining then meet under the Reitz Union collenade thing. Please email Nick if you are interested, even if you prefer another time or place. Thank you
- Nicholas sinkin86@ufl.edu
Wednesdays, 7-9 pm @ park 16th # 4, contact Andrew( akuo@ufl.edu )
Girls group : Thursdays, 7-9 pm @ park 16th # 36, contact Sherry ( huoyu82@ufl.edu)
Guys group : Thursdays, 7-9 pm @ Klo's place, contact Klo( kevinlo@ufl.edu)
Freshman group : Saturdays, 1-3 pm @ Reitz Union, contact Klo( kevinlo@ufl.edu)
2. Friday Night Sharing and Fellowship
3. BEACH TRIP : Saturday 8 am =)
4. HOEDOWN : the most exciting event in CCF !!
5. Leadership and Helpers Meeting : Sunday 2:15 pm
6. Weekly small groups : another prayer meeting
*** Light the Night Taste Festival ***
Hey Crossroads, we REALLY need everyone from the college group to bring a dish for the taste festival. Because of this, we are lowering the entrance fee to $5. If you really don't want to pay the entrance fee, we still ask that you please bring something so that the people (mainly adults) who pay $15 to eat will not go away with empty stomachs.
So if you can bring anything, please email Annie ( xasong@ufl.edu) RIGHT NOW!!!!!! and let her know what you are bringing.
Also, if you plan to walk on Thursday Oct 18 and have not registered yet, please do so NOW.
- Annie
*** Friday Night Sharing and Fellowship ***
at Gainesville Christian Chinese Church
5:30pm - setup for Light the Night Taste Festival
6-7:25pm - Light the Night Taste Festival!!!
7:30-8pm - college group-led music worship
8-9:30pm - Sharing
A Chinese Christian who attends an "underground" church has agreed to come and talk to us about the Christian life in China!!! This is actually quite dangerous with regards to those who are in that secret church, since the Chinese government would go and persecute them if the gov found out where that church met...also, two other church members will be sharing! all translated into English
*** BEACH TRIP ***
WHEN: This Saturday, Oct. 13; 8am-till whenever your driver leaves; meet @ Park 16th (apt #4) @ 7:30am will leave at 8am
WHERE: Anastasia State Park
WHO: CROSSROADS ^__________^
WHY: to enjoy the beach before it gets cold and have fun and fellowship with one another through playing in the water, games/sports, singing(if someone wants to bring a guitar ^^), etc.
WHAT TO BRING: bring your own lunch and snacks to share ^_______^, SUNBLOCK, towels, umbrella, frisbee, guitar, etc.
*** HOEDOWN ***
WHEN: Oct. 26th, Friday 6:30 pm
WHERE : Fair Oaks Farm, Micanopy
WHAT : most exciting CCF event of the year! lets name all the wonderful reasons :
1. the food
2. the fellowship
3. the dancing
4. the bonfire
5. the hayride
6. the competitions (friendly ones)
7. the games
8. and did we mention the food?!?!
and this year we have a baking contest, to spice things up a little, to add a little excitement to our lives, so if you want to enter start up your ovens! oh and one tip is that Rick is gonna be a judge and he LOOOOVES chocolate!
if you are interested in helping out, please email Doris ( fangd@ufl.edu)
RSVP : please RSVP in facebook event "CCF Hoe Down 2007"
*** Leadership and Helpers Meeting ***
WHO : actually ALL MEMBERS are invited!
WHEN : Sunday, Oct. 14, at 2:15pm
WHERE : Apt 4 @ Park 16th
Purpose 1: Status check of how things are going in EACH area of CROSSROADS. Comments/suggestions for each other and how we can help each other.
Purpose 2: Invite members, who aren't serving at the time, to come and listen in to our meeting and see if they want to help or not, now or future. This is a good time for them to come and see what it's like.
Dear Leaders and Helpers of ALL service areas, if you can't come, please tell me ahead of time. Thanks!!
Josh: jnlin85@ufl.edu , 407-923-5788
*** Weekly small groups ***
Prayer meeting :
another meeting on campus -
Nicholas is thinking of setting up an alternate prayer meeting/get
together during the week. Right now he is going to try for Mondays
around 1230-330pm, on the Reitz Union lawn. Near the posters. If it is raining then meet under the Reitz Union collenade thing. Please email Nick if you are interested, even if you prefer another time or place. Thank you
- Nicholas sinkin86@ufl.edu
Wednesdays, 7-9 pm @ park 16th # 4, contact Andrew( akuo@ufl.edu )
Girls group : Thursdays, 7-9 pm @ park 16th # 36, contact Sherry ( huoyu82@ufl.edu)
Guys group : Thursdays, 7-9 pm @ Klo's place, contact Klo( kevinlo@ufl.edu)
Freshman group : Saturdays, 1-3 pm @ Reitz Union, contact Klo( kevinlo@ufl.edu)
CROSSROADS : serving for Homeless Council
Hi Everyone,
Crossroads will be cooking for homeless council this Friday (10/12/07). Preparation of food will start at 4:00 pm in the Chinese Church, and food will be served downtown at 6:30 pm. If anyone is interested in helping out, please contact Andrew (352-219-3287)
Crossroads will be cooking for homeless council this Friday (10/12/07). Preparation of food will start at 4:00 pm in the Chinese Church, and food will be served downtown at 6:30 pm. If anyone is interested in helping out, please contact Andrew (352-219-3287)
CROSSROADS: The Return of the Book Club!!!
Greetings friends,
The book club (aka reading group) will be giving its second run this fall. After an active summer, the GCCC/Crossroads book club has not read a single book this fall despite two delicious Mexican dinners. However, we can still resurrect this corpse...if there is enough interest.
Since finishing and buying books seemed to be one obstacle to people coming to the reading group, I propose that we read one of the Christian Classics available on www.ccel.org
here are many great classics available here, like St. Augustine's Confessions, The Practice of the Presence of God, John Bunyan's Pilgram's Progress and pretty much all the famous classic Christian books.
I suggest that we read The Imitation of Christ by Thomas A Kempis, a 15th century devotion considered to be second only the the Bible in its spiritual influence in Christianity.
With something like this, we could read just one chapter (which are very short) a day.
The vision of book club is to provide a helpful incentive to read regular, spark sharing on insights and discussion, and develop community. Hopefully, our readings will help to enlighten, inspire, and guide us on our paths.
Please e-mail back before Sunday if you are interested in participating in The Return of the Book Club. Please include following information:
1. Whether you can make a meeting this upcoming Monday at 6:00 (perhaps over dinner)
2. If you would like to meet at someone's apartment or at the church or a restaurant
3. Any other ideas about book club
4. If you need a ride
Your humble book reader,
The book club (aka reading group) will be giving its second run this fall. After an active summer, the GCCC/Crossroads book club has not read a single book this fall despite two delicious Mexican dinners. However, we can still resurrect this corpse...if there is enough interest.
Since finishing and buying books seemed to be one obstacle to people coming to the reading group, I propose that we read one of the Christian Classics available on www.ccel.org
here are many great classics available here, like St. Augustine's Confessions, The Practice of the Presence of God, John Bunyan's Pilgram's Progress and pretty much all the famous classic Christian books.
I suggest that we read The Imitation of Christ by Thomas A Kempis, a 15th century devotion considered to be second only the the Bible in its spiritual influence in Christianity.
With something like this, we could read just one chapter (which are very short) a day.
The vision of book club is to provide a helpful incentive to read regular, spark sharing on insights and discussion, and develop community. Hopefully, our readings will help to enlighten, inspire, and guide us on our paths.
Please e-mail back before Sunday if you are interested in participating in The Return of the Book Club. Please include following information:
1. Whether you can make a meeting this upcoming Monday at 6:00 (perhaps over dinner)
2. If you would like to meet at someone's apartment or at the church or a restaurant
3. Any other ideas about book club
4. If you need a ride
Your humble book reader,
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
1. Friday Night Bible Study AND POTLUCK
2. Light The Night Taste Festival
***Friday Night Bible Study AND POTLUCK***
Where: Korean Baptist Church of Gainesville
What: Pastor Pettit (the pastor of BCM) will be sharing the Biblical view of "Dating". Famous for practical tips and biblical guidelines...DON'T MISS OUT!!! (for ALL people...singles or couples)
Meeting: 7:30pm-9:30pm
Location : 5200 SW 63rd Blvd, Gainesville, FL
Church Phone: (352) 380-0691
Call Josh for rides: 407-923-5788 (please call by Friday at 12pm, noon)
*** Light The Night Taste Festival ***
MARK YOUR CALENDARS! Crossroads is holding Light the Night TASTE FESTIVAL 2007 at GCCC Fri 10/12 at 6:00 pm.
-Taste Festival is a cooking showcase/contest.
-Contestants (that means YOU) enter your cooking in to compete in one of the following categories: appetizer, main dish, and dessert. The entrance fee/donation is $15
-If you don't want to enter a dish, come out and judge all the yummy treats! Anyone can judge, but we kindly ask that you donate $15.
-Both contestants and judges get to eat delicious food!
-The winners will get a neat lil prize.
-Everyone. Crossroads, GCCC adults. INVITE YOUR FRIENDS!
-To raise money for Light the Night so that they can help people who have been affected by leukemia, lymphoma, and other blood cancers.
So... join us! You can submit more than one dish, and you can pair up with a friend too. Or just come out for awesome food. To enter the contest, please email Annie (xasong@ufl.edu ) with your name and category of dish.
*** BEACH TRIP ***
WHEN : Oct. 13 (Saturday); 8am-till whenever your driver leaves;
meet @ Park 16th (apt #4) @ 7:30am will leave at 8am
WHERE: Anastasia State Park
WHO : CROSSROADS ^__________^
WHY : to enjoy the beach before it gets cold and have fun and fellowship with one another through playing in the water, games/sports, singing (if someone wants to bring a guitar ^^), etc.
WHAT TO BRING: bring your own lunch and snacks to share ^_______^, SUNBLOCK, towels, umbrella, frisbee, guitar, etc.
2. Light The Night Taste Festival
***Friday Night Bible Study AND POTLUCK***
Where: Korean Baptist Church of Gainesville
What: Pastor Pettit (the pastor of BCM) will be sharing the Biblical view of "Dating". Famous for practical tips and biblical guidelines...DON'T MISS OUT!!! (for ALL people...singles or couples)
Meeting: 7:30pm-9:30pm
Location : 5200 SW 63rd Blvd, Gainesville, FL
Church Phone: (352) 380-0691
Call Josh for rides: 407-923-5788 (please call by Friday at 12pm, noon)
*** Light The Night Taste Festival ***
MARK YOUR CALENDARS! Crossroads is holding Light the Night TASTE FESTIVAL 2007 at GCCC Fri 10/12 at 6:00 pm.
-Taste Festival is a cooking showcase/contest.
-Contestants (that means YOU) enter your cooking in to compete in one of the following categories: appetizer, main dish, and dessert. The entrance fee/donation is $15
-If you don't want to enter a dish, come out and judge all the yummy treats! Anyone can judge, but we kindly ask that you donate $15.
-Both contestants and judges get to eat delicious food!
-The winners will get a neat lil prize.
-Everyone. Crossroads, GCCC adults. INVITE YOUR FRIENDS!
-To raise money for Light the Night so that they can help people who have been affected by leukemia, lymphoma, and other blood cancers.
So... join us! You can submit more than one dish, and you can pair up with a friend too. Or just come out for awesome food. To enter the contest, please email Annie (xasong@ufl.edu ) with your name and category of dish.
*** BEACH TRIP ***
WHEN : Oct. 13 (Saturday); 8am-till whenever your driver leaves;
meet @ Park 16th (apt #4) @ 7:30am will leave at 8am
WHERE: Anastasia State Park
WHO : CROSSROADS ^__________^
WHY : to enjoy the beach before it gets cold and have fun and fellowship with one another through playing in the water, games/sports, singing (if someone wants to bring a guitar ^^), etc.
WHAT TO BRING: bring your own lunch and snacks to share ^_______^, SUNBLOCK, towels, umbrella, frisbee, guitar, etc.
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
09.28.07: POTLUCK AND Evangelistic Meeting
1. This Friday : POTLUCK AND Evangelistic Meeting
3. AP questions for Girls Group
5. Weekly small groups
** POTLUCK and Evangelistic Meeting ***
INVITE ALL OF YOUR FRIENDS (believers/nonbelievers), and BRING A DISH!!!
Topic: Science and Faith (All english)
Date: Sept. 28
Time: 6-7:30pm POTLUCK
7:30pm - 9:30pm MEETING
Place: GCCC (friday bible study location)
Speaker: Elder John Huang
Profile: Elder John Huang graduated from University of Taiwan with physics degree, came to USA to study at Cornell University and received PhD in Physics, taught at Rutgers University, then worked in the technology and manufacturing industry, then worked for Exxon (gas station)'s research and development department, and retired in 1998. Currently, he is the Senior scientist at Princeton University. Elder Huang is the chairman of Elders and Deacons at Rutgers Community Christian Church. He often travels around the world sharing the gospel. He has published more than 160 papers in Physics and books such as "The Pursuit of Truth", "Meditation in Suffering", and "The Truth about Love".
This is a reminder to please go online and register for Light the Night. We are walking in honor of our sister Eunice Johnson on 10/18 (which is a THURSDAY night). You must register online to walk.
To register, please go to http://register.lightthenight.org/LTNRegistration/app and click on "Join Team" and search under "Team name" for "Crossroads" and it's pretty self-explanatory.
Also, for anyone who is interested in helping to organize this walk, we will have a short meeting after Bible study on Friday
night to discuss Fundraising ideas and dates. So far, the following people have expressed interest in helping: Josh, Van, Katie. If you are interested in helping, please contact Annie.
*** AP questions for Girls Group ***
The attached file is a questionnaire designed by Jennie and Sherry about AP. If you haven't got one or didn't fill it out yet, please do so and send it back to Jennie ( chenj@ufl.edu) by this coming Sunday.
We are going to make the new directory, please give me your information on name, phone #, email, year in college, major, high school and high school grad yr, birthday, hometown. You can fill out the form on Friday or just send your information to this email address with subject line : DIRECTORY. And picture ! you can give me your favorite picture or we could take new pictures on Friday.
*** Weekly small groups ***
Prayer meeting : Wednesdays, 7-9 pm @ park 16th # 4, contact Andrew (akuo@ufl.edu)
Girls group : Thursdays, 7-9 pm @ park 16th # 36, contact Sherry (huoyu82@ufl.edu)
Guys group : Thursdays, 7-9 pm @ Klo's place, contact Kevin (kevinlo@ufl.edu)
Freshman group : Saturdays, 1-3 pm @ Reitz Union, contact Kevin (kevinlo@ufl.edu)
3. AP questions for Girls Group
5. Weekly small groups
** POTLUCK and Evangelistic Meeting ***
INVITE ALL OF YOUR FRIENDS (believers/nonbelievers), and BRING A DISH!!!
Topic: Science and Faith (All english)
Date: Sept. 28
Time: 6-7:30pm POTLUCK
7:30pm - 9:30pm MEETING
Place: GCCC (friday bible study location)
Speaker: Elder John Huang
Profile: Elder John Huang graduated from University of Taiwan with physics degree, came to USA to study at Cornell University and received PhD in Physics, taught at Rutgers University, then worked in the technology and manufacturing industry, then worked for Exxon (gas station)'s research and development department, and retired in 1998. Currently, he is the Senior scientist at Princeton University. Elder Huang is the chairman of Elders and Deacons at Rutgers Community Christian Church. He often travels around the world sharing the gospel. He has published more than 160 papers in Physics and books such as "The Pursuit of Truth", "Meditation in Suffering", and "The Truth about Love".
This is a reminder to please go online and register for Light the Night. We are walking in honor of our sister Eunice Johnson on 10/18 (which is a THURSDAY night). You must register online to walk.
To register, please go to http://register.lightthenight.org/LTNRegistration/app and click on "Join Team" and search under "Team name" for "Crossroads" and it's pretty self-explanatory.
Also, for anyone who is interested in helping to organize this walk, we will have a short meeting after Bible study on Friday
night to discuss Fundraising ideas and dates. So far, the following people have expressed interest in helping: Josh, Van, Katie. If you are interested in helping, please contact Annie.
*** AP questions for Girls Group ***
The attached file is a questionnaire designed by Jennie and Sherry about AP. If you haven't got one or didn't fill it out yet, please do so and send it back to Jennie ( chenj@ufl.edu) by this coming Sunday.
We are going to make the new directory, please give me your information on name, phone #, email, year in college, major, high school and high school grad yr, birthday, hometown. You can fill out the form on Friday or just send your information to this email address with subject line : DIRECTORY. And picture ! you can give me your favorite picture or we could take new pictures on Friday.
*** Weekly small groups ***
Prayer meeting : Wednesdays, 7-9 pm @ park 16th # 4, contact Andrew (akuo@ufl.edu)
Girls group : Thursdays, 7-9 pm @ park 16th # 36, contact Sherry (huoyu82@ufl.edu)
Guys group : Thursdays, 7-9 pm @ Klo's place, contact Kevin (kevinlo@ufl.edu)
Freshman group : Saturdays, 1-3 pm @ Reitz Union, contact Kevin (kevinlo@ufl.edu)
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