Wednesday, September 26, 2007

09.28.07: POTLUCK AND Evangelistic Meeting

1. This Friday : POTLUCK AND Evangelistic Meeting
3. AP questions for Girls Group
5. Weekly small groups

** POTLUCK and Evangelistic Meeting ***
INVITE ALL OF YOUR FRIENDS (believers/nonbelievers), and BRING A DISH!!!
Topic: Science and Faith (All english)
Date: Sept. 28
Time: 6-7:30pm POTLUCK
7:30pm - 9:30pm MEETING
Place: GCCC (friday bible study location)
Speaker: Elder John Huang
Profile: Elder John Huang graduated from University of Taiwan with physics degree, came to USA to study at Cornell University and received PhD in Physics, taught at Rutgers University, then worked in the technology and manufacturing industry, then worked for Exxon (gas station)'s research and development department, and retired in 1998. Currently, he is the Senior scientist at Princeton University. Elder Huang is the chairman of Elders and Deacons at Rutgers Community Christian Church. He often travels around the world sharing the gospel. He has published more than 160 papers in Physics and books such as "The Pursuit of Truth", "Meditation in Suffering", and "The Truth about Love".

This is a reminder to please go online and register for Light the Night. We are walking in honor of our sister Eunice Johnson on 10/18 (which is a THURSDAY night). You must register online to walk.

To register, please go to and click on "Join Team" and search under "Team name" for "Crossroads" and it's pretty self-explanatory.

Also, for anyone who is interested in helping to organize this walk, we will have a short meeting after Bible study on Friday
night to discuss Fundraising ideas and dates. So far, the following people have expressed interest in helping: Josh, Van, Katie. If you are interested in helping, please contact Annie.

*** AP questions for Girls Group ***
The attached file is a questionnaire designed by Jennie and Sherry about AP. If you haven't got one or didn't fill it out yet, please do so and send it back to Jennie ( by this coming Sunday.

We are going to make the new directory, please give me your information on name, phone #, email, year in college, major, high school and high school grad yr, birthday, hometown. You can fill out the form on Friday or just send your information to this email address with subject line : DIRECTORY. And picture ! you can give me your favorite picture or we could take new pictures on Friday.

*** Weekly small groups ***
Prayer meeting : Wednesdays, 7-9 pm @ park 16th # 4, contact Andrew (

Girls group : Thursdays, 7-9 pm @ park 16th # 36, contact Sherry (

Guys group : Thursdays, 7-9 pm @ Klo's place, contact Kevin (

Freshman group : Saturdays, 1-3 pm @ Reitz Union, contact Kevin (

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