Wednesday, March 19, 2008

[3.21.08] Crossroads Bible Study, ELECTION DAY, Prayer Meeting, Lake Yale

1. Bible Study
2. Election : this Friday, pray for the nominees
3. Prayer Meeting : Wednesday 7:30 - 9pm @ Park 16th # 4
4. Lake Yale information

*** Bible Study
At Gainesville Chinese Church
7:15 - 8:00 Music worship
8:00 - 8:15 Announcement then break
8:15 - 9:45 Bible Study
9:45 - 10:00 Election
10:00 - 10:30 Officers meeting

Vote for Crossroads Officers Positions for Summer 2008, Fall 2008, Spring
Nominees please prepare a short speech about why you decide to run for this
position and what do you plan on doing ( if applicable )
Pray for the nominees
President : Zi, Wanda
IVP : Katie, Amy
EVP : Dan
Treasurer: Henry, Peng
Webmaster : Jeffrey
Secretary : Kristina chen-yin

**** LAKE YALE RETREAT (Facebook: LY '08 - **REBIRTH**)
The THEME for this year: "What is living the life God intended? And what's
ethnicity and culture got to do with it?" (It has to do with our Asian
American culture and Christianity)
Lake Yale is an annual Chinese and Asian American Churches Summer Retreat
this year from *Friday, May 23 to Sunday, May 25.**
We will DEFINITELY have 2 speakers this year. One for the youth (middle
school - high school) and one for the young adults (college and up). This is
VERY exciting because the speakers have a background in raising churches
specifically for Asian Americans. (Chinese, Korean, Vietnamese, etc.) Tell
your friends! They do NOT have to be Chinese since the audience for our
theme will cover the broader Asian-American arena and will be applicable to
people from other ethnicities as well. This year will include Christians
from Korean and Vietnamese churches around Florida.
Orlando Chinese Evangelical Christian Church (OCECC) is looking for anyone
would be interested in helping out in this year's several
categories of services:
Follow-Up Ministry
Music Worship
Youth Counselors
College/Young Adult Counselors
Prayer Team
Speakers Workshops and Assistants
If you are interested in helping out, please look over the attached form
Yale 2008-Volunteers] which will explain in further detail. Contact Josh at, or 407-923-5788 if you want to help or if you want to
attend. Check out facebook group: LY '08 - **REBIRTH**. If you want to help
out we need to know ASAP.

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