Wednesday, February 20, 2008

[2.22.08] : Bible Study, Lake Yale, Crossroads nomination, Camping trip

Bible study
Prayer meeting : Wednesday 7:30-9 pm @ Park 16 # 4
Lake Yale Retreat
Crossroads elections :Nomination starts THIS FRIDAY
An Adventurous Camping/Beach Trip (3/22-23)

*** Bible Study
At Gainesville Chinese Church

7:15 - 8:00 Music worship
8:00 - 8:15 Announcement then break
8:15 - 9:45 Bible Study

Topic : "Get Real"

*** LAKE YALE RETREAT (Facebook: LY '08 - *REBIRTH*)

The THEME for this year: "What is living the life God intended? And what's ethnicity and culture got to do with it?" (It has to do with our Asian American culture and Christianity)

Lake Yale is an annual Chinese and Asian American Churches Summer Retreat held
this year from Friday, May 25 to Sunday, May 27.

We will DEFINITELY have 2 speakers this year. One for the youth (middle school - high school) and one for the young adults (college and up). This is VERY exciting because the speakers have a background in raising churches specifically for Asian Americans. (Chinese, Korean, Vietnamese, etc.) Tell your friends! They do NOT have to be Chinese since the audience for our theme will cover the broader Asian-American arena and will be applicable to people from other ethnicities as well. This year will include Christians from Korean and Vietnamese churches around Florida.

Orlando Chinese Evangelical Christian Church (OCECC) is looking for anyone who
would be interested in helping out in this year's several
categories of services:

Follow-Up Ministry
Music Worship
Youth Counselors
College/Young Adult Counselors
Prayer Team
Speakers Workshops and Assistants

If you are interested in helping out, please look over the attached form [Lake
Yale 2008-Volunteers] which will explain in further detail. Contact Josh at, or 407-923-5788 if you want to help or if you want to attend. Check out facebook group: LY '08 - *REBIRTH*. If you want to help out we need to know ASAP.

Please be thinking about Summer 2008, Fall 2008, Spring 2009
Crossroads Officers Positions. PRAY! NOMINATE! =)

If interested, please contact:
President Josh:
Internal VP Doris:
External VP Lindsey:
Secretary Valere:
Historian Nick:
Webmaster Joe Liu:

Fri 2/22 Nominations Starts THIS FRIDAY
Fri 2/29 Nominations Ends
Fri 3/7 SPRING BREAK, no Crossroads
Fri 3/14 SPRING BREAK, no Crossroads
Fri 3/21 Election DAY!

***An Adventurous Camping/Beach Trip (3/22-23)

Tentatively there's camping trip at Anastatia State Park (in St. Augustine) the weekend following spring break which is the weekend of March 22-23rd (Sat & Sun). In order to plan for this trip I will need a head count of those interested to know overall gear needed, costs, space amount and or the feasibility of this whole thing. Guys and Girls are welcomed and will have separate but close enough camp sites. so far there is no specific agenda with this trip, but that doesn't stop the intimacy of enjoying each other's company and growing deeper with each other. also, this is open to anyone.

Please contact me benji ( or 407-782-4325)and let me know if you are interested or want further information or ponderings or musings.

Things to consider in short:
-guy/girl camping weekend near beach
-roughly $10-15 dollars in cost
-food/lodging (tents) provided through cost
-an excellent time

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